Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Lots of Lemons

Do you look at the sunny side of life?
Do you see the world through through rose-colored glasses?
Are you a mom, like a mom, or even a Mr. Mom? Grandma, aunt, sister, or friend?

If you answered yes to those questions then you’re in the right place. If you answered no, you’re in the right place too. Welcome to LeMOMade ~ a place to gather for a pitcher full of inspiration, motivation, hope, faith, and fun. Come sit and sip awhile. I'm so happy you're here. Take a moment to read about the life lessons I'm learning on my journey with chronic illness . . .

It's hard to take the bad things that happen to us and make them good - to keep your chin up, to stay positive, and to roll with the punches. How do we cope during challenging times? How do we make lemonade out of lemons? I’m not sure I know the answer to those questions. It depends on many factors: the circumstances, the course of events, the actions and reactions of yourself and others, how bad is the bad, and so on.

For me, the diagnosis of a rare, chronic, life-threatening disease without a cure was indeed a very bad thing to happen to me and family eight years ago when I was a young mother of two energetic toddlers. (See My Story for more details) This challenge continues to be a not-so-good thing to this day. How can I look at this very bad thing, and find the good in it? It’s not easy, in fact, it's very, very hard. Despite my struggles, I do try to squeeze some juice out of the lemons each day. One way is to look at the life lessons I have learned on my journey so far:
  • Perspective. It’s taken me some time, but I think my perspective on life has changed quite a bit since my diagnosis. Like the book, “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff,” I try to let go of the little things in life that used to bother me in the past.
  • Compassion. I believe I’m becoming a more compassionate person because of chronic illness. Perhaps that man walking very slowly in front of me has a heart condition, or perhaps that poorly-dressed family cannot afford new clothes because the father has been out of work for quite some time. We may not know the burdens faced by others. Their journey is very different from our own.
  • Perseverance. Some days I just would like to crawl under the covers and stay there forever. But I can’t. I have a husband, two kids, and family and friends who need and love me. I have to take my medications, visit my doctors, endure medical tests, exercise, rest, and take care of myself despite my limitations. I have to keep on keeping on. I have to keep my glass half full even though I might spill a bit along the way.

Excerpts from this post original appeared in Making Lemonade on the 2 friends 3 things 1 blog in July 2011.


  1. Congratulations on your new blog. You are one amazing woman and this blog will be a testament to your courage, faith, strength, and willingness to help people cope with the struggles in life and live life to the fullest. God bless you Sue!

  2. I like your style and outlook

    we are where we are..... but that can be a wonderful place

    attitude+friends+influence what you can/what matters= :-)

    stay strong, stay positive and keep being you

    (friend of Deanne)

  3. Congratulations on your new blog. I have also worked on having a more positive outlook on things and it has helped me to become a more peaceful person. I love the sprit of your blog!!

  4. What a beautiful outlook on life even though you have been dealt such a rough deal. Love your life lessons and it is something we should all consider more often.

    First blog I have ever visited and really touched by your writing, honesty and outlook.

    (Friend of Deanne)
